Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Pampered Baby

Yesterday, I was cleaning Ryan's privates (sorry, I couldn't resist) as Carol was breastfeeding. The Doctor recommended a little "air time" to help with a slight rash down there and I found myself trying to create a gentle breeze to cool the area. I wondered if my Dad ever did that for me. It's pretty funny to even consider!

After work yesterday I filed Ryan's fingernails. Here's the picture:
This morning I changed a massively full diaper, took Ryan for a walk around the block (actually, so far I've taken 3 walks and it's 7am), and fed him so Carol could get a little bit of sleep after a long night.

Is this a pampered baby or what? Fortunately somebody sent me this informative article called, "Top 10 Things a New Dad Shouldn't Do." It's pretty funny (except for #7 of course). Actually, a more appropriate article might be this one, "10 Tips for New Dads."

They say that three weeks is another milestone. Ryan's a bit fussy right now, but he's certainly well looked after. My next post will be on the introduction of the pacifier. I think we may have discovered a solution...

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