Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pacifying the Baby and the Parents

Not long ago I was amazed at how much information there was available on the topic of weddings. Then it was pregnancy. We'll now we're now in a tsunami of baby do's and don'ts and there doesn't seem to be an end in site for this one...

This week we decided to introduce the pacifier. Ryan's become increasingly fussy at bedtime, so this was was actually a pretty easy decision that didn't require much research (although I did find this article to be quite useful on the topic).

Not surprisingly, he took to the pacifier right away and so far he hasn't become too dependent on it. After a couple of hours of trying to soothe him on a Saturday morning, however, I'm not sure I can say the same for myself.
Here are a few more pictures of Ryan at 3 weeks.

Happy Mom:

Post-Bath Meltdown:

Taking His Vitamins:

And a Few More:

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