Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two Year Anniversary

Two years ago Carol and I got married in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Tonight we celebrated our two year wedding anniversary with lamb chops on the barbecue. It's nice to be in California!

Actually, it was quite an early night for us. I'm now up with Ryan while Carol gets some much needed rest. He's asleep on my chest after a little soothing in the Baby Hawk so I figured I'd write a quick post. It seems that the little man had a bit of a Don Rickles day today. (See side-by-side comparison below.)

We're pretty sure that his fussiness was caused by the mocha hot chocloate beverage I brought Carol this morning, but who really knows. The good news is that both baby and Mom are sleeping soundly now.

Here's the "best time ever" group shot from November 2006. Good memories!

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