Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Natural

We've been enjoying having my Mom here over the past week. She and Carol have been spending lots of quality time together and she's been able to see a lot of positive change in Ryan in a short time. There have been long walks, excercise classes, and yesterday she bought us a "Pee Pee TeePee" to protect us during diaper changes. Ryan is now 10.5 lbs. He's a ferocious eater. He still struggles at times with gas, but Nanna Jane recommended "Gripe Water" and it seems to be helping. We're getting more and more alert time and his sleep window is up to about 4-5 hours. He's more fun every day!

I'm off to pick up Aunt Sarah at the airport. We'll have a barbecue engagement celebration for her this evening. It's 80 degrees in Menlo Park!

I've posted lots of pictures on Kodak Gallery here, but here are a few good ones of Nanna Jane and Ryan:

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