Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mornings with the Boys

It seems it's not so easy to keep up with the blog with two kids. Sorry Pax!

I'm sitting here with the boys beside me and I thought I'd post a few pictures of them getting along nicely. Paxton is starting to push himself in a pseudo-crawl-like fashion. Ryan is nice to his little brother most of the time. Hope it lasts!

In the morning it's usually cereal and fruit for Ryan with Paxton watching in the Jumperoo. We try to be as quiet as possible, but Carol's usually up within about 30 minutes regardless. Paxton is still smiling more than he's sleeping at this point...

1 comment:

Auntie Helen said...

Yay another post! These boys are too cute!! Any Ryan is nice to Pax - most of the time ;)