Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great New Years Eve. Here's another Christmas video. This is Ryan opening a gift sent from Uncle Alex. The penguin card was a huge hit initially, but now he's really enjoying putting the animals into the train. Speaking of videos, see below for the top 10 videos we posted in the past year.

  1. Eating Sophie the Giraffe (popular because of the product name I'm sure)
  2. Ryan Laughing
  3. Learning to Drum (good times with Uncle Mike)
  4. Baby Karoke and Laughing
  5. Catching and Swinging
  6. Kingston 2009
  7. Feeding Himself
  8. Second Solid Feeding
  9. Sarah and Jeremy Wedding Day
  10. Crawling at 8 Months (hard to believe it was once this difficult!)

All the best in 2010. Happy New Year!

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