Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some Classic Family Pics

Ryan hit the 5 month mark yesterday and is doing great. His sleep pattern is a bit off right now, but otherwise he's definitely a happy and healthy (+16lbs!) little guy.

I thought I'd take a minute to post a few classic family pictures that have been sent my way recently. The first is a great picture of my grandfather hanging out with Canadian hockey legends Toe Blake and Harry Sinden. That's Ebby Hare on the right teaching them a thing or two about coaching I'm sure.Speaking of great skaters, here's a picture of my sister Sarah and cousin Jen back in their glorious figure skating days. One of these days I'll post some video footage of the girls on the ice. It's good.
And last but not least, speaking of my sister Sarah, check her out in this eTalk segment on Oscar-night make up. Looking good Sarah!

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