Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I suspect that this will be my last Christmas morning blog post. I'm sitting beside a now sleeping Ryan, who has been busy entertaining his grandparents and keeping us all smiling with his constant smiles and chatter. I'll post some pictures of Gong Gong, Poi Poi, and Uncle Alex showering him with attention next time.

We'll have Aunt Helen and Eric here for our very traditional (and now annual) prime rib and crab legs dinner. I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas day.

I uploaded a short vid, but am having trouble with Youtube this morning due to the HD format. In the meantime, here is the month by month RyLi picture. At this rate, he'll be busting out of this onesie well before the end of the year.

1 Month:

2 Months:

3 Months:

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