Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Vid

Here's Ryan's Christmas greeting. He's listening to the Canadian classic Tears are Not Enough.

Lots of Li Love

Ryan's been enjoying lots of love from the Li family this Christmas. Here are a few examples:

I'll post some more pictures on Kodak Gallery soon as well as a few vids of the little fella talking away. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I suspect that this will be my last Christmas morning blog post. I'm sitting beside a now sleeping Ryan, who has been busy entertaining his grandparents and keeping us all smiling with his constant smiles and chatter. I'll post some pictures of Gong Gong, Poi Poi, and Uncle Alex showering him with attention next time.

We'll have Aunt Helen and Eric here for our very traditional (and now annual) prime rib and crab legs dinner. I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas day.

I uploaded a short vid, but am having trouble with Youtube this morning due to the HD format. In the meantime, here is the month by month RyLi picture. At this rate, he'll be busting out of this onesie well before the end of the year.

1 Month:

2 Months:

3 Months:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ryan at 3 Months

Quiet weekend in Menlo Park. Relatively speaking, the weather is cool but the sun is shining. Carol was just listening to the song, "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins and it's now official - she doesn't want the little man to grow up! If you haven't heard the song, here are the lyrics.

Ryan is now going about 5 hours between feeds. Last night he was only up once. We're getting close! Here are a couple of my favorite new pictures:

And here are some more shots of the happy little guy on Kodak Gallery. (The bear suit wasn't my idea...the beer bottle pose was!)

Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends. My family is split between Northern Ontario and Florida this year and Carol's family will be with us here in California.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Talking About Change

Ryan always seems to want to talk on the changing table. By popular demand (yesterday's vid was clearly a hit with the family!), here he is chatting with his Mom.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Rolling into Christmas

We put up the tree tonight and hung the stockings. I'm sure it'll be the last time that Ryan's not overly excited about the whole thing.

Speaking of excitement, he's really been talking (or cooing) to us in the last couple of days. It's really amazing to see and hear. Carol's been taking more and more videos and occasionally watching them when he's asleep. Now that's a devoted Mom!

Here's a video of Ryan managing to roll while listening to the Band rock.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Quick Update

It's been a few days since the last post, but I did recently post a few pictures from the weekend on Kodak Gallery. Here's a great picture of Ryan and Mom at a Christmas party in San Francisco on Sunday hosted by Kathy and James Steele.
You can check out all of the pictures here.

Ryan's doing great. He's now over 13lbs and smiling and talking more and more. He actually makes most of his noises while on the changing table. Here are a few gratuitous pictures of the little guy. I'm pretty sure my Mom has ordered all of them at this point. My favorite is this one:

Gong Gong and Poi Poi arrive on the 21st. We're looking forward to it!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Baby Please Don't Go!

AC/DC is playing in the Bay Area tonight. Here's a video of Ryan enjoying an old classic from the band.

I recorded this video using the new camcorder. Clearly my video skills need work...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Great Long Weekend

Monday was a foggy day here in the Bay Area. I was also a little foggy heading back to work after a four day break. The 5:30 am morning feed didn't help much...

After a great Thanksgiving dinner in San Francisco at Aunt Helen and Uncle Eric's house (actually we ate upstairs at Doug's), we went for a few long walks in Menlo Park and generally enjoyed this weekend's great weather. We also got to spend some quality time with Uncle Alex, who passed his crash course in baby management with high marks. As you can see from these pictures, he's a natural with the little guy!

I've posted more photos from the weekend on Kodak Gallery here. Ryan's becoming more and more expressive every day so stay tuned for more videos...