Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It looks like it's going to be an e-card kind of Christmas this year. Here's wishing all of our friends and family a fantastic holiday season and an amazing 2012. We hope you had a great Christmas!

It's been busy here with Aunt Sarah and Jeremy, Uncle Mike and Catherine and Nana Jane visiting. Ryan couldn't be more excited. He's sleeping now and Paxton is in my arms trying to grab at the keys. Better run...
Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mornings with the Boys

It seems it's not so easy to keep up with the blog with two kids. Sorry Pax!

I'm sitting here with the boys beside me and I thought I'd post a few pictures of them getting along nicely. Paxton is starting to push himself in a pseudo-crawl-like fashion. Ryan is nice to his little brother most of the time. Hope it lasts!

In the morning it's usually cereal and fruit for Ryan with Paxton watching in the Jumperoo. We try to be as quiet as possible, but Carol's usually up within about 30 minutes regardless. Paxton is still smiling more than he's sleeping at this point...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nana's Not So Restful Vacation

Tomorrow morning Nana Jane leaves after 10 very busy days with us. She and Ryan went on many walks to the coffee shop so Carol could feed the baby and get some sleep (with Ryan asking "Why?" about just about everything along the way) and she spent countless hours holding Paxton and trying to get him to sleep (often in her arms). Today she took both boys out for two hours, with Paxton in the carrier and Ryan in and out of the red wagon. It's been a great visit. We're lucky to have had so much family support over the last few weeks.

It's just the four of us as of tomorrow...

Here are some pics from Nana's visit. We're off to the airport at 5:30am.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How's Ryan?

The little man is adjusting well (so far) to being a big brother. Having friends and family keep him busy is definitely a huge help. Sounds like he'll get to see Papa Doug this week and then Nana arrives for 10 days at the end of the month.

Here's Ryan on our Saturday morning walk:
And here's what's happening on the home front...
Actually, Paxton is doing quite well too. It's pretty much feed, sleep, repeat...with some crying and alert time in between. Like his brother, he quite likes the Baby Hawk carrier and I'm often out walking with him in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Paxton James Cunningham Has Arrived

We're happy to announce that on Father's Day (June 19th 2011), Paxton James Cunningham came into this world at 2:17 pm. Born 2 weeks early, he was 8 pounds 8 ounces and 21.5 inches long.

I still need to get some of the better pictures from our camera, but here are a few from my mobile phone:
Mom and baby are doing great! We've been very lucky to have had Carol's Mom (Poi Poi) and Aunt (Guma) here helping us. Now if we could just get Pax to sleep as well at night as he does during the day, we'd be in great shape...

Happy Canada Day and 4th of July!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Few More Vids

A few good memories:

1)Hanging with Uncle Alex and Aunt Helen

2) Poi Poi's Birthday

3) Dancing Fool (and some solid piano skills!)

Happy Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Christmas with Gong Gong and Poi Poi

With baby #2 coming in July, it was great to have so much help from Gong Gong and Poi Poi over the holidays. We also got to spend some quality time with Uncle Alex. Here are a few pictures and a video from December.