Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Da Da Da Da

We've entered the baby babbling stage. Here's a short video of Ryan starting to say Dada (sorry Carol - Mama's next I'm sure...)

And here's the little big man posing in his 10 month onesie shot, as well as more pictures from the last couple of weeks.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Li's Have Landed

After a long trip to China, Carol's parents have arrived for a 10 day visit. As you can see, Ryan's already enjoying all of the attention from Gong Gong and Poi Poi.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quick Update

I've been slacking on the updates lately. It's just too nice outside to be in front of the computer I guess. Here are a few recent shots of Ryan. His two front teeth are currently coming through.
I haven't gotten back into the swing of video editing since we starting using our new computer. Even so, there's not much I could do with the singing in this video...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

9 Month Onesie Shot

Here's the 9 month onesie shot. At over 23lbs, he's a pretty big boy. You can compare to previous months here and check out more pics from June (and a few from this weekend) here.
Also, here's video of some attempted Karaoke followed by more laughter (and some father and son roughhousing).

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Quiet 4th of July so far. Ryan and Carol are catching up on some sleep (the morning nap) and I'm catching up on getting some videos posted. Every day we seem to discover something new that will get Ryan laughing hysterically. Here's a good example. More coming soon. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Canada Day Firecracker

Happy Canada Day! Here's a shot of Ryan in his Little Firecracker t-shirt experiencing watermelon for the first time. Clearly it was a big hit! He's a very happy (and healthy) little boy.