Ryan hit the seven month mark this week. He's at the stage where he grabs anything he can and try's to get it into his mouth. We have some serious baby proofing to do around here as he gets set to crawl. Here's some video footage of his front-to-back roll in action. It's still not pretty, but becoming more frequent. This afternoon I found him on his stomach in his crib (picture below). Ryan hit the seven month mark this week. He's at the stage where he grabs anything he can and try's to get it into his mouth. We have some serious baby proofing to do around here as he gets set to crawl. Here's some video footage of his front-to-back roll in action. It's still not pretty, but becoming more frequent.
This afternoon I found him on his stomach in his crib.
The little man has been waking up pretty early lately ready to play. Yesterday I guess I was still in a bit of a morning daze and ended up whipping up a wonderful breakfast for him, which consisted of rice cereal, breast milk and broccoli mixed together. (Never so good with colors, I was really hoping the frozen cube would be apple.) Ryan didn't flinch and enjoyed every bite. He is clearly not going to be a fussy eater.
This weekend he finally completed the back-to-front roll and is getting closer and closer to crawling. It's pretty funny to watch. Here are a couple of recent pictures.
We've been making some Skype video calls this week to Nana Jane and our friends Jeff, Michelle, and Jack Neasmith in Kingston. We hope to connect with more family and friends this way so be sure to email us your Skype address. Here's quick video of Ryan laughing. He's now over 19lbs and, as you can see, a very happy little guy. Happy Easter!
It's Saturday morning and I think it's safe to say that the sleep training routine has been a success. Ryan and Mom are both sleeping after a morning feed and I'm setting up the new web cam, which we know Nana Jane will be happy about. At this point he goes down without much of a fight in the evening and is sleeping from about 6:30pm until 3 or 4am. He goes back down pretty quickly after that and sleeps for a couple more hours. Occasionally he'll wake up at around 11pm for a feed and then sleep right through. The daytime routine is still coming together. We've definitely learned that timing is the key to avoiding too much crying before he falls asleep.